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Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation

On February 21, 2011 the Center has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in field of public-private partnership with KPMG Limited (Moscow Representative Office of KPMG).

Friday, 11 February 2011

On February 10, 2011 the Center has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with The Academy of Educational Development (AED).

The Memorandum is aimed at development of  PPP in Ukraine, support of infrastructure and public services projects, spreading of knowledge and skills in field of PPP, increasing of professionalism of public sector leaders etc.

Monday, 07 February 2011

On February 4, 2011 took place the meeting of the Interagency Work Group on issues of PPP development in Ukraine

In the meeting took part I. Zapatrina and I. Kucherenko, the members of the Board of the Center. It was reviewed the issues of the Group’s activity for the year 2011, its tasks and objectives and the state of review by the ministries of the draft normative-legal acts on performance of the Law of Ukraine on PPP.

Thursday, 03 February 2011

On January 31 – February 1, 2011 in Warsaw, Poland took place the 3rd Annual Event: CEE Investment & PPP. Developing sustainable relationships.

Among the participants of the conference were the representatives of  the Polish PPP Center, the World Bank, EBRD, UNECE, ministries and  institutions of Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia, Austria , Germany.

On the first day of the conference I. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center  took part in the Panel Discussion: Harmonizing of PPP projects with the relevant political cycle.

On the second day she has made a presentation "Ukraine's emerging market – the attraction of investments".
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

On January 25, 2011 took place the first meeting of the Work Group on protection of cultural heritage of the Public Humanitarian Council under the President of Ukraine

In the meeting took part I. Zapatrina, I. Kucherenko and V. Oleshchenko, the members of the Board of the Center who are also the members of the Group.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010

On December 24 in Zaporizhzhe took place enlarged meeting of the Council of Zaporizhzhe Chamber of Trade and Commerce where it was reviewed the issues of use of PPP mechanisms for implementation of regional development programs.

At the meeting  spoke I. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center and V. Maziarchuk, the secretary of Interagency work group on issues of PPP development in Ukraine.

Upon the results of discussion of cooperation opportunities in this field it was signed a Memorandum of cooperation in field of PPP development for implementation of infrastructure modernization projects between V. Shamilov, president of Zaporizhzhe Chamber of Trade and Commerce and I. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center .



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Monday, 20 December 2010

On December15-17, 2010 in Istanbul, Turkey took place the Round table “ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGE OF DOING PPPs IN SPECIFIC SECTORS IN THE BLACK SEA REGION, THE CAUCASUS AND CENTRAL ASIA”, organized by UNECE, BSEC, PPIAF and Turkish PPP Platform.

I. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center  took part in the Round table and informed about  the situation on state-private partnership development in Ukraine in the framework of the meetings «Capacity-building delivery: How to Turn PPP Theory into Practice» и  «Legal challenges and barriers to successful PPP development and implementation».

Monday, 13 December 2010

I.Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center, has made a presentation “PPP Environment in Ukraine” on the Opening Event of the USAID-funded Public-Private Partnership Development Program (P3DP).

I.Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center, has made a presentation “PPP Environment in Ukraine” on the Opening Event of the USAID-funded Public-Private Partnership Development Program (P3DP).
Thursday, 09 December 2010

It was published the monograph of the Chairman of the Board of the Center I. Zapatrina “Housing-communal infrastructure: reforms and their financial support system"

On December 9, 2010 It was published the monograph of the Chairman of the Board of the Center I. Zapatrina “Housing-communal infrastructure: reforms and their financial support system " (336 pgs). The book could be purchased in the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine:





01133, Kiev, Kutuzova street 18/7, office 305,



