Held events

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

UNECE PPP Forum in Istanbul (May 10, 2024)

Prof. Iryna Zapatrina jontly with professora Pedro Neves, Sladjana Sredojević, Vida Abdaly, Yu Namba, Carolina Santana, Joan-Enric Ricart took part in the panel ““Taking PPPs out of the classroom: contribution by academic institutions to capacity building” of the UNECE PPP Forum in Istanbul (May 10, 2024).

The inspirational initiative of strengthening the role of academia and scientists in accelerating the involvement of private business in infrastructure and strengthening such its components as sustainability, resilience and people-orientation were discussed during the panel.

Our main conclusion was that academia can help to accelerate the implementation of PPPs for the SDGs through building trust between public authorities, business, society; as well as by ensuring wider dissemination of knowledge on this topic among all potential participants of this process including media. Everyone should understand what the SDGs and “PPPs for SDGs” are, why they are important for people, on which principles and using which approaches a project can be structured in such a way that the government, business and population are mutually interested in its outcomes. Scientists can and should teach people to talk in SDG language including through developing and promoting educational programs accessible to everyone, broad public discussions on the issue of PPP and SDGs with participation of business and general public, sharing successful experience in implementing PPP projects and working on mistakes done.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Global Infrastructure Summit – 2024, March 18

Prof. Iryna Zapatrina took part in the panel “Unlocking growth potential: Exploring the role of Public-Private Partnership Projects”.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Participation in the 8th PPP Week

Chairman of the Center I. Zapatrina, took part in the 8th PPP Week in Istanbul.

She participated in two panels: Defining a foresighted framework without regulatory and financial obstacles in EMDEs - jointly with Dr. Çağdaş Evrim Ergün (PPP Research Center, Turkie), Oforkanji Emmanuel Onwodi (Concession Regulation Commission, Nigeria), Muneer Ferozie (Regional Head, Africa Region, IFC); Small scale PPPs and localization of ESG criteria to make PPP fit for 2030 agenda  - jointly with Ziad Alexandre Hayek (President of WAPPP), prof. Steven Van Garsse (University Hasselt, Belgium), Jyoti Bisbey  (WAPPP & ISRC)

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

The 7th edition of the UNECE International PPP Forum

Irina Zapatrina have represented the Center at the 7th edition of the UNECE International PPP Forum that took place on May 3-5, 2023 in Athens (Greece).

In the framework of the Forum she made a presentation at the Side event "EBRD’s Public-Private Partnerships Regulatory Guidelines Publication" on May 5, 2023.


Tuesday, 04 April 2023

International Jury – UNECE PPP and infrastructure award 2023

The UNECE secretariat established the International Jury to select the best PPP infrastructure projects that contribute to the circular economy agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the 7th UNECE International PPP Forum on 3-5 May 2023.


Jury includes:

Jean-Patrick Marquet (President)

Jean-Christophe Barth

Doris Chevalier

Anand Chiplunkar

Rose-Lourdes Elysee

Petra Ferk

Amanda Loeffen

Joan Enric Ricart

Jelena Tadic

Irina Zapatrina

Pedro Neves (Secretary)


Details on https://unece.org/ppp/forum7/award

Monday, 19 September 2022

PPP master class – Nice, September 12-13, 2022

Master class "The Most Recent Developments in Public-Private Partnership" was held in Nice, France, on September 12-13, 2022

The Chairmanof the board of the Center, Iryna Zapatrina, took part in the event as a speaker.



Wednesday, 06 July 2022

The Most Recent Developments in Public Private Partnerships, Nice, 12-13 September 2022

The hybrid workshop will give participants a profound insight into new developments and trends in Public-Private Partnership. The focus will be on the following specific topics: review of the New UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Public-Private Partnerships and new Model Legislative Provisions; EU PPP / Concession Regulation.

Interactive panel discussions and Q&A sessions leave time for exchange and discussion with colleagues from different EU Member States – use the great networking opportunity!


Friday, 20 May 2022

The 6th UNECE International PPP Forum took place in Barcelona (Spain) on May 4-6, 2022

Irina Zapatrina participated in the discussion on Moroccan and Tunisian projects in the framework of presentation of the best People-first PPPs on the 1st day of the Forum.

The presentations of session “Strengthening coordination of urban development PPPs with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs”  have been uploaded on the UNECE PPP website.



Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Article by Iryna Zapatrina in EPPPL Magazine

Article “Ukraine. Public-Private Partnerships: The Homework on Establishing Attractable Legal Environment Is Almost Done, It Is Time for Implementation” by Iryna Zapatrina was published in the Volume 16 (2021), Issue 4 of European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review



Friday, 25 June 2021

PPP Manual developed by the World Bank with the support of the UK Government

The Six-Volume Manual on Public-Private Partnership has been published on the official website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. https://me.gov.ua/Documents/Detail?lang=uk-UA&id=2bc79196-a3b2-41a9-86e2-f55f9a8f5c9c&title=MetodichniRekomendatsii

(soon will be available in English)

The Public-Private Partnership Manual for Ukraine was prepared in the framework of the World Bank Project "Strengthening the use of public-private partnerships (PPP) for better management of public investment" funded by the World Bank with the support of the UK Government.

The document is the result of the work of the staff of the WB in collaboration with external experts.

For reference:

The World Bank of Ukraine Team: Ms. Nataliya Biletska (WB Senior Public Sector Specialist), Mr. Ian Hawkesworth (WB Senior Governance Specialist), Mr. David Duarte (WB Senior Public-Private Partnership Specialist), Mr. Bruno de Cazalet (Senior PPP Consultant), Mr. Grant Hauber (Senior PPP Consultant), Ms. Irina Zapatrina (Senior Consultant), Ms. Elena Timusheva (WB PPP Specialist), Mariya Myroshnychenko (WB Specialist)



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