Held events

Monday, 24 October 2016

On October 20-21, 2016 in the UNECE headquarters in Geneva took place the eighth session of UNECE Team of Specialists on Public-Private Partnerships

The Chairman of the Board of the Center I.Zapatrina took part in the event. 


Friday, 30 September 2016

On September 29-30, 2016 in Minsk (Belarus) took place Conference – Belarus Forum “Extending horizons: investment, finance, development”

The Chairman of the Board of the Center I.Zapatrina has made a presentation “Improvement of institutional and legal PPP framework: new challenges in the context of Sustainable Development Goals”.



Wednesday, 08 June 2016

Sustainable Development Strategy of city Olexandriya on achievement of Sustainable Development Goals till 2030

On June 2, 2016 the Academy of Public-Private Partnership together with the Ukrainian PPP Center has presented to the executive committee of city Olexandriya the draft Sustainable Development Strategy of the city till 2030.

The presentation was made by prof. I. Zapatrina, Doctor of Economics, President of the Academy of PPP and the Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian PPP Center and T. Tsikhan, Ph.D., a consultant of the Academy of PPP.

The Strategy was developed by the Academy of PPP based on the principles and approaches of the UN Global Sustainable Development Strategy with a focus on achieving Sustainable Development Goals till 2030. The main goal of the strategy is to achieve SDG 11 aimed at transformation of cities into "Smart and sustainable."

The draft Strategy project was supported by the city authorities. As a result of discussions it was decided to establish the Center for management of the city development in the framework of the city executive committee for efficient implementation of measures envisaged by the Strategy.olex f

Monday, 30 May 2016

On 25 May 2016 in Tbilisi, Georgia took place International seminar “Developing the national Legal Framework for Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions. Role of International Standards and Best Practices” organized by Ministry of economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia in cooperation with EBRD

The Chairman of the Board of the Center Irrina Zapatrina has made a presentation “PPP in Ukraine: Case discussion – lessons learned and possible implication on legislative developments”


Tuesday, 26 April 2016

On April 21-22, 2016 at the World Bank office in Kyiv took place presentations of Assesment on public-private partnerships in the context of public investment management in Ukraine for representatives of public authorities, civil society institutes and mass media

The study was prepared by the World Bank team consisting of Nataliya Biletska, Public Sector Specialist and Co-Task Team Leader, Jay-Hyung Kim, adviser and Co-Task Team Leader, consultants Martin Darcy, Mary Dunne and Irina Zapatrina.

In the nearest future the research (in Ukrainian and English) will be available on the websites of the World Bank and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.


Tuesday, 05 April 2016

On 30 March – 1 April 2016 in Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland took place International PPP Forum: “Implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through effective, people-first Public-Private Partnerships”

The delegation of Ukraine at the Forum included Ksenia Lyapyna, Head of the State Committee of Ukraine for entrepreneurship; Oleksandra Pavlenko, Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine; Irina Novikova, head of the PPP division of the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine; Stepan Tsapyuk, Mayor of Alexandria of Kirovograd region; Olena Kravchenko, the secretary of the city council of Shostka; Irina Zapatrina, Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center, President of the PPP Academy; Elena Kolesnik, director of the National Cancer Institute.


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