News of the center

I. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center has made a presentation at the 3rd International investment summit DID «State-private partnership in context of a new economic policy of Ukraine» will take place in Donetsk.

On September 29-30, 2010 the 3rd International investment summit DID «State-private partnership in context of a new economic policy of Ukraine» took place in Donetsk.
Organizers of the summit: Donetsk Regional State Administration, Donetsk City Council, Fund «Efficient management», Ernst &Young, IG «Altera Finance», Conference House.
The first day of the summit was dedicated to the following issues:
- New economic policy of Ukraine – partnership of state and business
- Stet-private partnership: regulation and general issues
- Perspectives of development in transport and housing-communal sphere
On the second day of the summit took place meetings on the following topics:
- Investments  - where they are?
- Investments  - how do they look?
- Ukrainian private investor – who is he?
Among the participants of the summit were V. Heyets, the founder of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Support Center, vice-president of NAS of Ukraine, director of Institute of economy and forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, academician and I. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center.
I. Zapatrina has made a presentation “Experience and perspectives of implementation of state-private partnership projects in housing and communal economy sector”.
On September 29-30, 2010 the 3rd International investment summit DID «State-private partnership in context of a new economic policy of Ukraine» took place in Donetsk.

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I. Zapatrina has made a presentation “Problem issues in using the Law of Ukraine “On state-private partnership» and the ways to solve them”

І. Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center  took part in the seminar “Legal aspects of state-private partnership and peculiarities of use at the local level”, organized by American Trading Chamber in Ukraine together with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. I. Zapatrina has made a presentation “Problem issues in using the Law of Ukraine “On state-private partnership» and the ways to solve them”.


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The fist meeting of the Strategic Council of UPPPDC

On September 23, 2010 in  the premises of the Institute of economy and forecasting (Kyiv, P. Myrnogo Str., 26) took place the first meeting of Strategic Council of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center.
The meeting of the Strategic Council was opened by V. Heyets, the founder of the Center, who has presented a speech “Partnership of the state, science and business in modernization of economy: world trends and situation in Ukraine”
I. Zapatrina has made a presentation “The role of the Center in development of public-private partnership in Ukraine: the first conclusions of the activity and tasks for 2010-2011” (презентація).
In discussion took part Y. Libanova,  academician of NAS of Ukraine, secretary of the Economy Department of  NAS of Ukraine, director of Institute for Demography and Social Research, V. Goncharuk, academician of NAS of Ukraine, I. Kucherenko, doctor of juridical sciences, member of the board of the Center,  L. Kisterskiy, doctor of economic sciences, the member of Supervisory Council of the Center, members of the Strategic Council – O. Kucherenko, S. Yermilov, D. Shvydchenko.
As a result of discussion on the Strategic Council’s vision regarding the perspectives of development of public-private partnership in Ukraine and the activity of the Center the following conclusions have been made:
- at the modern stage of PPP development in Ukraine it is important to develop methodological and scientific basis, to improve legislation, and to adopt the widely used PPP mechanisms in Ukraine;
- in today’s conditions Ukraine is neither methodologically no institutionally ready to implementation of large-scale PPP based projects; at the same time development and implementation of pilot projects in small cities is a perspective direction, it will make possible to work out appropriate for using in Ukraine PPP mechanisms and models; the urgent projects for today are those related to modernization of housing and communal infrastructure, in particular, solid waste treatment, wastewater treatment, ensuring of water of high quality to the population, these projects could have an important social and ecological effect;
- scientific community  has to actively participate in formation of ideology and methodology in field of PPP in Ukraine, to ensure proper expertise of PPP based projects implementation at all stages of their implementation, to ensure preparation of qualified specialists in this field.
In order to implement these tasks it was decided:
- to consolidate affords of the members of the Strategic Council and to study opportunities of financial support of scientific-methodological  support of PPP in Ukraine,
- to initiate conduction of analytical researches in this field in cooperation with international organizations;
- to support implementation of pilot projects in Donetsk region and in Mykolayiv with participation of the Center;
- to attract the members of the Strategic Council to preparation for the review of issues related to scientific support of PPP development in Ukraine at the meeting of the presidium of NAS of Ukraine.
E. Libanova has been unanimously elected to be the head of the Strategic Council of the Center.
On September 23, 2010 in  the premises of the Institute of economy and forecasting (Kyiv, P. Myrnogo Str., 26) took place the first meeting of Strategic Council of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center.

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Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Support Development Center and Donetsk region state administration have signed a cooperation and mutual understanding memorandum

Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Support Development Center and Donetsk region state administration have signed a cooperation and mutual understanding memorandum.
The memorandum includes cooperation in the following directions:
The memorandum includes cooperation in the following directions:

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In the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine took place the second meeting of the interagency work group on issues of public-private partnership development in Ukraine

At the meeting it was reviewed the following issues:

  • plan-schedule of development and agreement of normative-legal acts in the framework of implementation of the Law of Ukraine ”On state-private partnership» and determination of the role of the innovation and investment policy department of the Ministry of Economy in development of state-private partnership in Ukraine;
  • determination of the role of State Committee for investment issues in field of state-private partnership;
  • discussion of Conceptual basis of preparation of Procedure of conduction of efficiency analysis of state-private partnership implementation, prepared by the Ukrainian PPP Development Support Center;
  • conduction of round tables and seminars on issues related to state-private partnership.



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