News of the center

Iryna Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center and Bolat Smagulov - Chairman of the Management Board of Kazakhstan Private-Public Partnership Center have signed a memorandum of cooperation and mutual understanding.

Memorandum supposes cooperation in following directions: exchange of information and materials on PPP issues (future events, experience of project implementation, development of normative and legal basis, methodology, organization of business processes), implementation of joint research projects on issues of risks management, monitoring of PPP projects, development of legislative  and institutional basis of PPP, preparation and expertise of projects as well as spreading knowledge about PPP by organization of trainings, joint publications and joint participation in international grant programs etc.

In the framework of III Astana Economic Forum it was held Conference of PPP Centers of the world and Round table «Practical aspects of state-private partnership».

Among the participants of the Conference and the Round table will be the representatives of more than 40 countries of the world, including: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, France, the Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Latvia, Italy, the USA, Japan, as well as representatives of large international organizations: The European economic Commission of UNO, International Financial Corporation, EBRD, Asian Development Bank, Africal Development Bank etc.

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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as the basis of the draft Law of Ukraine "On main principles of interaction between state and private partners"

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has approved as a basis the draft Law of Ukraine . "About the basis of interaction between the state and private partners".
„Про основні засади взаємодії держави з приватними партнерами”

The meeting of the members of the Board of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center (Iryna Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board and V’yacheslav Oleshchenko) with Bolat Smagulov - Chairman of the Management Board of Kazakhstan private-public partnership center and Kairat Tilebaldinov - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.

At the meeting it was discussed the ideology and main principles of establishment of International Association of public-private partnership centers and the possible ways of cooperation between the association and its members. As a result of the meeting it was decided to sign the cooperation memorandum between the centers.

Signing of cooperation memorandum between Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center and Kyiv regional department of association of cities of Ukraine. The memorandum was signed Iryna Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center and V. Melnik, the Chairman of the Board of the Association.

Signing of cooperation memorandum between Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center and Kyiv regional department of association of cities of Ukraine. The memorandum was signed Iryna Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of the Center and V. Melnik, the Chairman of the Board of the Association.



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