News of the center

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has approved the Law that prohibits the rent of state property objects that are not subject to privatization. 346 peaple’s deputies have voted for the law.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has approved the Law that prohibits the rent of state property objects that are not subject to privatization. 346 peaple’s deputies have voted for the law.

In Donetsk it took place a working meeting Iryna Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center A. Alipov and M. Cherenkova, Deputy Heads of Donetsk Regional Administration.

As a result of the meeting it was taken a decision to initiate for the President of Ukraine an experiment on development of life support systems in Donetsk region based on public-private partnership. In the framework of preparation to the experiment it was decided to prepare draft proposals in field of heat supply, water supply and water treatment and waste treatment in order to work through technological, financial, legal, organizational issues of implementation of private sector attraction model, typization of the corresponding projects and spreading of the experience at the territory of Ukraine; to work out institutional model of support of PP projects implementation; to select on the competitive basis the cities of Donetsk regions that would participate in the experiment, to provide them organizational and consulting support in development of feasibility studies, financial and legal mechanisms of projects implementation, attraction of international financial institutions to their implementation.

Iryna Zapatrina, the Chairman of the Board of Ukrainian Public-Private Partnership Development Center and V. Chaika, the Mayor of Mykolayiv have signed a cooperation and mutual understanding memorandum.

The memorandum includes cooperation in the following directions:

•    development of methodological basis, scientific-technical and normative-legal support of implementation of infrastructure projects based on public-private partnership;
•    generalization and spreading of successful experience of implementation of PPP projects, conduction of conferences, round tables, seminars, organization of training on issues of PPP projects management, conduction of wide public discussions on these issues;
•    revealing of the urgent issues of functioning of infrastructure objects in Mykolayiv, preparation and management of their modernization PPP projects, creation of competitive environment in public sector attraction, ensuring the transparency of these processes;
•    development of model of preparation and implementation of communal infrastructure development projects as the expense of the funds attracted from foreign states and banks, international financial institutions and other financial and credit institutions by forming investment projects pool, optimization of cobditions of funds attraction, introduction of common unified procedures for management of these processes.

Iryna Zapatrina was included to the work group on creation of Association of the world PPP institutions.

Iryna Zapatrina was included to the work group on creation of Association of the world PPP institutions.



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